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squareDot Decomposition

squareDot Decomposition


squareDot Decomposition is inspired by the work of Victor Vasarely, specifically his painting "Marsan-2" (1964-1974). This painting is a tessellation of rotated squares that are subdivided into more squares along a diagonal.


The squareDot Decomposition algorithm works by first calculating the relative distance of each square to one end of the picture frame's diagonal. Based on this distance, the algorithm determines how many times the square should be subdivided. The algorithm then randomly picks a base color for each square and sub-square. In the style of Vasarely, the algorithm may also randomly draw a dot, another square, or nothing in each square or sub-square. If a dot or square is drawn, it is always the complementary color of the base square's color.


To add variety, the algorithm may randomly flip the progression along the diagonal. This means that the squares may be subdivided from top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, or right to left.


The output of the squareDot Decomposition algorithm is a tessellation of squares that are subdivided into more squares along a diagonal. The squares are randomly colored, and may contain dots or other squares. The progression of the subdivision may be flipped along the diagonal to add variety.



squareDot Decomposition is inspired by the work of Victor Vasarely, specifically his painting "Marsan-2" (1964-1974). This painting is a tessellation of rotated squares that are subdivided into more squares along a diagonal.


The squareDot Decomposition algorithm works by first calculating the relative distance of each square to one end of the picture frame's diagonal. Based on this distance, the algorithm determines how many times the square should be subdivided. The algorithm then randomly picks a base color for each square and sub-square. In the style of Vasarely, the algorithm may also randomly draw a dot, another square, or nothing in each square or sub-square. If a dot or square is drawn, it is always the complementary color of the base square's color.


To add variety, the algorithm may randomly flip the progression along the diagonal. This means that the squares may be subdivided from top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, or right to left.


The output of the squareDot Decomposition algorithm is a tessellation of squares that are subdivided into more squares along a diagonal. The squares are randomly colored, and may contain dots or other squares. The progression of the subdivision may be flipped along the diagonal to add variety.

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